Learn how to let go of the clutter.

Home management isn't one-size-fits-all. It's time to take back control of your home and life with systems that REALLY work for you and your family.

  • Do you want to declutter your home, but get stalled out?

  • Are you resentful of your spouse or children for not helping with the mess?

  • Have you tried to get organized in the past, but it never seems to stay organized?

  • Do you need extra support and motivation to help you take control of your home?

Watch Intro Video

3 Decluttering Experts will Guide You!

Watch this short video to see what you can expect from the course!

Take Your House Back

In this course, you'll learn how to...

  • Declutter the Right Way

    Learn a simple decluttering method that works for everyone, no matter how much stuff you have, how overwhelmed you feel or what obstacles stand in your way!

  • Organize for Your Style

    Discover your organizing style and how to create easy and functional systems that keep your home tidy and organized for good.

  • Find Contentment

    We're all asked this on a daily basis: How do I stop comparing myself to others? How do I stop wanting more? How can I realize that what I have is MORE than enough? We'll show you!

PLUS Live Guided Decluttering!

Next date: April 27, 2024

Included with the Take Your House Back Course are All Day Declutter events that happen three times per year! The three of us will rotate throughout the day, coaching you live as you declutter three areas of your home. The next All Day Declutter is coming up on April 27, 2024 from 8am-4pm CDT (replays are available if you can't make it live!)

Hours 1-3


STORAGE SPACES: We will help you make massive progress in a storage space! It may be your basement, attic, garage, walk-in closet or catch-all room.

Hour 4


LUNCH BREAK: We'll have a fun lunch break session with a game to get to know us better and we'll answer your questions, too!

Hours 5-7


OFFICES & CRAFT ROOMS: These spaces can becoming a dumping ground for things from all over the house! We'll share our powerful tools to help you work through surface clutter and come up with solutions to keep these areas tidy and organized!

Hour 8


AFTER PARTY CELEBRATION: As you clean up your final donations and rest, we end with a fun Q&A to celebrate ALL that you accomplished! There are plenty of laughs and cheers as we wrap up the day. You will feel the excitement and energy as thousands gather together to declutter!

The Power of the All Day Declutter

Here's what others have said:

"This trio is the best combination to really help folks. Cas’s understanding and humor keeps me encouraged and smiling. Dana’s 'get real' approach gets me motivated. And Dawn’s 'down to earth' minimalist vibe keeps me grounded and helps me avoid my tendency to overindulge in décor items. The All Day Declutter events are priceless!!" -Debra

As Former Messy People, We Understand your Struggle

Meet Your Teachers

Family Minimalism Expert

Dawn Madsen

Known as The Minimal Mom on YouTube, Dawn took on a minimalist lifestyle over 8 years ago and has never looked back! A messy person at heart, Dawn looks at everything in our homes as "inventory" that we have to manage, so for her the equation is simple: get rid of what you don't use or need to create a home that is easy to care for, ditching the guilt about being a poor housekeeper and stressed-out mom along the way. And the good news? You don't have to become a "minimalist" to enjoy these benefits... you can stop whenever your house is happy and you are, too -- we'll show you how!

Organizing Expert

Cassandra Aarssen

Cassandra Aarssen is the creator of Clutterbug™, a home organizing business which provides education, inspiration and support to over 500,000 families worldwide through her YouTube channel, podcast and various other social media platforms. Cassandra is the host of HGTV's "Hot Mess House" and is also the author of four best-selling organizing books, “Real Life Organizing”, “Cluttered Mess to Organized Success”, “The Clutter Connection” and “The Declutter Challenge". As a recovering “super slob”, Cassandra has discovered through her own journey with clutter, that organization is not one-size-fits-all.

Decluttering Expert

Dana K White

A Slob Comes Clean is the completely honest (and never-ending) story of Dana's personal deslobification process. As she finds ways to keep her home under control, she shares the truth about cleaning and organizing strategies that actually work in real life for real people. People who don’t love cleaning and organizing. Dana is a blogger, speaker, and (much to her own surprise) Decluttering Expert. She is also the author of "How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind" and "Decluttering at the Speed of Life".

This works for EVERY season & life stage!

Whether you have young kids at home or you live alone, whether you have lots of energy or have to take it 15 minutes at a time, our step-by-step instructions help you take your house back on your own terms.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction + Announcements

    • Welcome, We're SO Glad You're Here!

    • How to Use This Course

    • How to Join the Private Community for Support & Accountability

    • Master List of Course Printables

    • Announcements

    • Frequently Asked Questions

  • 2

    Module 1: How to Have Less

    • What Simplicity Has Done for Each of Us

    • Where Should I Begin With Decluttering???

    • How to Declutter WITHOUT Making a Mess

    • Interactive Lesson: Practicing the Visibility Rule (Dining Room)

    • Interactive Lesson: Practicing Decluttering WITHOUT Making a Mess

    • How to Declutter your Kitchen for Ultimate Functionality

    • Interactive Lesson: Applying the Container Concept in our Kitchen

    • A New Way to Simplify Clothes!

    • Interactive Lesson: How to Get Past the Guilt of Wasted Money in the Bathroom

    • Taking the Stress Out of Paper Clutter in Your Home!

    • Sort Old Paper Clutter Quickly

    • Interactive: Create a Paper "Action Center" (or Sunday Basket)

    • Why You NEED a Memory Bin for Each Family Member

    • How to Deal With Sentimental Clutter

    • The Meaning Behind Your Mess

    • Decluttering Toys (and why it's so hard!)

    • Interactive Lesson: How to Declutter Toys QUICKLY & Painlessly!

  • 3

    Module 2: How to Do Less

    • The Key to Doing Less for Each of Us

    • Interactive Lesson: 5 MINUTES COUNTS

    • What I Didn't Understand About Organizing...

    • Organizing for YOUR Style: What Clutterbug are You?

    • Organizing Misconceptions

    • How to Organize from Scratch: Part 1

    • How to Organize from Scratch: Part 2

    • Organizing Inspiration - Pinterest Boards for Clutterbugs

    • Interactive Organizing Using the S.P.A.C.E. Method

    • How to Create New Habits and Motivation

    • Cleaning Shortcuts

    • Wipe It Now or Scrub It Later

    • How to Meal Plan (So You'll Stick With It!)

  • 4

    Module 3: How to Want Less

    • The Unique Way We Each Found Contentment

    • How to Get Others in Your Household on Board

    • Why You Need a Gratitude Journal

    • Does Minimalism Lead to More Happiness?

    • Collecting Memories, Not Things

    • How to Simplify Your Life Mini Journal

  • 5

    Final Thoughts

    • You've Got This! We're Here Cheering You On!

  • 6

    Mini Course with Dana: 5 Day Clutter Shakedown

    • INTRO: 5-Day Clutter Shakedown

    • Day 1: Start with the Easy Stuff

    • Day 2: 'Duh' Clutter

    • Day 3: Decluttering Question #1

    • Day 4: Decluttering Question #2

    • Day 5: Make It Fit

  • 7

    Mini Course with Dawn: More About Minimalism

    • Is Minimalism Right for You?

    • How to Declutter Differently if Your Goal is Minimalism

    • Minimalism by the Numbers: How Many of Each Thing We Have

    • Minimalism from a Child's Perspective

    • Minimalism and Spouses (& Other Family Members!!)

  • 8

    Mini Course with Cas: Pretty and Practical Organization

    • Mindset Matters

    • Pretty and Practical Organization

    • My Office Tour

    • Interactive Organize with Me

  • 9

    All Day Declutter Replays 2024

    • Apr 23, 2024: Prep Session #1 >> What You'll Need (Dawn)

    • Apr 24, 2024: Prep Session #2 >> Q&A (Cas)

    • Apr 25, 2024: Prep Session #3 >> No Mess Method (Dana)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 1 >> Storage / Garages (Cas)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 2 >> Storage / Garages (Dawn)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 3 >> Storage / Garages (Dana)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 4 >> Lunch Break Q&A

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 5>> Offices / Craft Rooms (Cas)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 6>> Offices / Craft Rooms (Dawn)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 7>> Offices / Craft Rooms (Dana)

    • Apr 27, 2024: HOUR 8>> After Party (ALL)

    • Jan 10, 2024: All Day Declutter Prep #1 >> What You'll Need (Dawn)

    • Jan 11, 2024: All Day Declutter Prep #2 >> What to Expect (Cas)

    • Jan 12, 2024: All Day Declutter Prep #3 >> No Mess Method (Dana)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 1 >> Storage Spaces (Cas)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 2 >> Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 3 >> Kitchens (Dawn)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 4 >> Lunch Break Q&A

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 5 >> Kitchens (Cas)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 6 >> Living Spaces (Dana)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 7 >> Living Spaces (Dawn)

    • Jan 13, 2024: HOUR 8 >> After Party

  • 10

    Live Session Replays 2024

    • June 20th, 2024: Make it Easy! (Cas, Dana, & Dawn)

    • June 6th, 2024: Tackling Identity Clutter (Cas)

    • May 23, 2024: How to Deal With Other People's Stuff (Dawn)

    • May 9, 2024: All Day Declutter Debrief (Dana)

    • Apr 11, 2024: The Line Between Just Enough and Too Much (Dawn)

    • Mar 28, 2024: Container Concept (Dana)

    • Mar 14, 2024: Ultimate Clothing Q+A

    • Feb 29, 2024: Applying the No Mess Process to Any Situation (Dana)

    • Feb 15, 2024: Organizing with ADHD (Cas)

    • Feb 1, 2024: Tackling Paper Clutter (Dawn)

    • Jan 4, 2024: All Day Declutter Prep + Q&A

  • 11

    Post-Holiday Reset Replays 2023 with Dawn

    • Day 1: Living Spaces

    • Day 2: Master Bedrooms

    • Day 3: Dining Room + Toys

    • Day 4: Entrways + Mudrooms

    • Day 5: Mega Kitchen Purge

  • 12

    All Day Declutter Replays 2023

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 1 >> Paper Clutter, Part 1 (Dawn & Cas)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 2 >> Paper Clutter, Part 2 (Dawn & Cas)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 3 >> Catch-All Spaces (Dana)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 4 >> Lunch Break Q&A

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 5 >> Catch-All Spaces (Cas)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 6 >> Clothing (Dawn)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 7 >> Clothing (Dana)

    • Jan 7, 2023: HOUR 8 >> Wind Down Session Q&A

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 1 >> Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 2 >> Storage Spaces (Dawn)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 3 >> Kitchens (Cas)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 4 >> Lunch Break Q&A

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 5 >> Kitchens (Dana)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 6 >> Sentimental Items (Dawn)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 7 >> Sentimental Items (Cas)

    • May 6, 2023: HOUR 8 >> After Party Q&A

    • Sept 22, 2023: PRACTICE LIVE >> Set Yourself Up for Success (Dawn)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 1 >> The Decluttering Steps / Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 2 >> Time Will Tell Bins / Bedrooms (Dawn)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 3 >> Tough Love in the Kitchen (Cas)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 4 >> Lunch Break Q&A (ALL)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 5 >> The Container Concept / Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 6 >> Memory Boxes / Bedrooms (Dawn)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 7 >> Organizing Tips / Kitchens (Cas)

    • Sept 23, 2023: HOUR 8 >> After Party Q&A (Cas & Dawn)

  • 13

    Live Session Replays 2023

    • Dec 14, 2023: Ask Me Anything (Dawn)

    • Nov 28, 2023: Simplifying Holiday Decor (Cas, Dawn & Dana)

    • Nov 16, 2023: Letting Go of Perfection (Cas)

    • Nov 2, 2023: Decluttering with Family Members (Dana)

    • Oct 19, 2023: Why My House Still Looks Messy (Dawn)

    • Oct 5, 2023: Cleaning Hacks & Routines (Cas)

    • Sept 1, 2023: Finding Time to Clean AND Declutter (Cas, Dawn & Dana)

    • Aug 17, 2023: Making Decluttering Part of Everyday Life (Dana)

    • Aug 3, 2023: Simplifying Meal Planning & Hosting (Dawn)

    • July 20, 2023: Dealing with Guilt & Shame about our Clutter (Dawn & Cas)

    • July 6, 2023: Ask Me Anything! Part 2 (Cas)

    • June 22, 2023: Ask Me Anything! Part 1 (Cas)

    • June 8, 2023: Money Hang-ups with Decluttering (Dana)

    • May 25, 2023: Books (Dawn)

    • Apr 27, 2023: Spring Cleaning Dos & Don'ts (Cas, Dawn & Dana)

    • Apr 13, 2023: Favorite Organizing Solutions (Cas)

    • Mar 30, 2023: Getting Stuff Out (Dana)

    • Mar 16, 2023: Digital Clutter (Dawn)

    • Mar 2, 2023: Decluttering with Limitations (Cas, Dawn & Dana)

    • Feb 16, 2023 : Cleaning Shortcuts (Cas)

    • Feb 2, 2023: Motivation (Dana)

    • Jan 19, 2023: Paper Clutter Follow-up (Dawn)

  • 14

    All Day Declutter Replays 2022

    • Jan 6, 2022: Live Q&A >> All Day Declutter details

    • Jan 11, 2022: All Day Declutter PREP >> What you need to know!

    • Jan 13, 2022: Let's Get Ready Decluttering Paper (All Day Declutter Prep)

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 1 >> Kitchens (Dana)

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 2 >> Paper Clutter (Cas)

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 3 >> Storage Spaces (Dawn)

    • Jan 15, 2022: Lunch Break Q&A

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 4 >> Living Room (Dana)

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 5 >> Bathroom (Dawn)

    • Jan 15, 2022: HOUR 6 >> Master Bedroom (Cas)

    • Jan 15, 2022: Wind Down Session

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 1 >> Storage Spaces (Cas)

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 2 >> Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 3 >> Sentimental Items (Dawn)

    • May 7, 2022: Lunch Break Q&A

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 4 >> Sentimental Items (Dana)

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 5 >> Kids' Stuff (Dawn)

    • May 7, 2022: HOUR 6 >> Clothing (Cas)

    • May 7, 2022: Wind Down Session

    • Sept 10, 2022: KITCHEN >> Pots & pans, dishes, utensils, cleaning supplies (Dawn)

    • Sept 10, 2022: KITCHEN >> Food storage, linens, pantry (Dana)

    • Sept 10, 2022: KITCHEN >> Successful organization (Cas)

    • Sept 10, 2022: Lunch Break >> Q&A

    • Sept 10, 2022: CATCH-ALL SPACE >> How to get started in a scary space (Dana)

    • Sept 10, 2022: CATCH-ALL SPACE >> Using categories to fly through decluttering (Dawn)

    • Sept 10, 2022: CATCH-ALL SPACE >> Organization to prevent future clutter (Cas)

    • Sept 10, 2022: Wind Down >> Q&A

  • 15

    Live Session Replays 2022

    • Jan 20, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Storage Spaces

    • Jan 27, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Pantries & Food Storage

    • Feb 3, 2022: Live Q&A with Dana >> Emotional Hang-Ups with Decluttering

    • Feb 17, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Sentimental Items

    • Feb 24, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Clothes

    • Mar 4, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas >> Everyday Clutter & Hotspots

    • Mar 26, 2022: ANTI-PROCRASTINATION DAY with Dana

    • Mar 26, 2022: ANTI-PROCRASTINATION DAY with Cas

    • Mar 26, 2022: ANTI-PROCRASTINATION DAY with Dawn

    • Apr 28, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn & Dana >> Decluttering for Your Current Season

    • May 12, 2022: Live Q&A with Dana >> Busting Through Your Best Excuses

    • May 26, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas >> Organizing for Crickets

    • June 9, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Decluttering Outdoor Things

    • June 23, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Finding Contentment

    • July 7, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas >> Organizing for Butterflies

    • July 21, 2022: Live Q&A with Dana >> Daily Habits, Routines & Mindset

    • Aug 4, 2022: Live Q&A Part 1 with Dawn >> Advanced Decluttering & Maintenance

    • Aug 9, 2022: Q&A Part 2 with Dawn >> Advanced Decluttering & Maintenance

    • Aug 18, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Manufacturing Motivation

    • Sept 1, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas >> Messy vs. Tidy Homes

    • Sept 15, 2022: Live Q&A with Dana >> Challenges With "Take It There Now"

    • Sept 29, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Deconstructing Piles

    • Oct 13, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Decluttering Holiday Décor

    • Oct 26, 2022: Live Q&A with Cas >> Macro Organizing

    • Nov 10, 2022: Live Q&A with Dana >> Helping Others Declutter

    • Nov 22, 2022: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Creating a Less-Clutter Holiday Season

    • Dec 15, 2022: 5 Minutes Matters: Holiday Edition

  • 16

    All Day Declutter Replays 2021

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 1 >> Visibility Rule (Dawn)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 2 >> Decluttering the Kitchen Basics (Cas)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 3 >> Revisiting the Decluttering Steps (Dana)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 4 >> Living Room (Dana)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 5 >> Bedroom (Dawn)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 6 >> Landing Zone and Paper Clutter (Cas)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 7 >> Bathrooms (Dawn)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 8 >> Craft Supplies and Identity Clutter (Cas)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 9 >> Storage Spaces (Dawn)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 10 >> Decluttering Clothing (Cas)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 11 >> Kitchens, Part 1 (Dana)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 11 >> Kitchens, Part 2 (Dana)

    • May 1, 2021: HOUR 12 >> Random Extras (Cas)

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 1 >> Kitchens (Dawn)

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 2 >> Storage Spaces (Dana)

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 3 >> Paper Clutter (Cas)

    • Sept 18, 2021: Lunch Break Q&A

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 4 >> Living Rooms (Dawn)

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 5 >> Bathrooms (Dana)

    • Sept 18, 2021: HOUR 6 >> Master Bedrooms (Cas)

    • Sept 18, 2021: Wind Down Session / After Party :)

  • 17

    Live Session Replays 2021

    • Jan 1, 2021: Facebook Live! >> Kitchens & More!

    • Jan 5, 2021: Facebook Live! >> Kitchens, Pantries & Paper Clutter!

    • Jan 8, 2021: Q&A with Dana #1

    • Jan 9, 2021: Q&A with Dawn >> Kitchens

    • Jan 11, 2021: Q&A with Cas >> Part One

    • Jan 11, 2021: Q&A with Cas >> Part Two

    • Jan 12, 2021: Facebook Live! >> Clothing, Closets, Kids Clothes & More!

    • Jan 15, 2021: Q&A with Dawn >> Clothes & Laundry

    • Jan 15, 2021: Q&A with Dana #2

    • Jan 16, 2021: How to Simplify Kids Clothes QUICKLY with Dawn

    • Jan 19, 2021: Facebook Live! >> All About Paper Clutter!

    • Jan 19, 2021: Q&A with Cas >> Part Three

    • Jan 22, 2021: Q&A with Dawn >> Paper Clutter, Underwear & More!

    • Jan 22, 2021: Q&A with Dana #3

    • Jan 26, 2021: Facebook Live >> Storage Spaces

    • Jan 29, 2021: Q&A with Dana #4

    • Feb 2, 2021: Facebook Live! >> Sentimental Items

    • Feb 5, 2021: Q&A with Dana #5

    • Feb 5, 2021: Q&A with Dawn >> Prioritizing Paper & To-Do's, Laundry & Photos

    • Feb 13, 2021: Facebook Live! >> Pantries & Meal Planning

    • Feb 15, 2021: Organizing our Camper Bathroom with my Clutterbug Style (by Dawn)

    • Feb 17, 2021: Q&A with Dawn >> Task Lists, Time Management & More!

    • Feb 19, 2021: Q&A with Dana #6 & 7

    • Feb 20, 2021: Facebook Live >> The Clutterbug Styles

    • Feb 22, 2021: Focus on Garages (with Dawn)

    • Feb 25, 2021: Facebook Live >> Garages & Storage Spaces

    • Feb 26, 2021: Q&A with Dana #8

    • March 4, 2021: March & April Game Plan + Q&A by Dawn

    • March 7, 2021: Dawn's Mom's Craft Space

    • March 8, 2021: A Few Tips for Laundry Rooms!

    • March 12, 2021: Q&A with Dana #9

    • March 15, 2021: Another Pass Through Kitchens

    • March 18, 2021: Facebook Live with Dawn, Dana and Cas

    • March 22, 2021: Hall Closets & Mud Rooms (& Changing Seasons!)

    • March 26, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • March 29, 2021: Clutter Hot Spots

    • April 2, 2021: Minimalism Q&A with Dawn

    • April 5, 2021: Revisiting Bedrooms!

    • April 8, 2021: Q&A with Dana #10

    • April 12, 2021: Revisiting Weekly Planning Baskets & Paper Clutter!

    • April 15, 2021: Facebook Live >> Paper Clutter & More

    • April 19, 2021: How to Simplify Your Clothes QUICKLY & ACCURATELY!

    • April 22, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • April 26, 2021: Supply List for the ALL Day Declutter

    • May 7, 2021: What's Next!!!

    • May 11, 2021: Kitchen >> How Many to Keep?

    • May 13, 2021: Facebook Live >> All About Kitchens

    • May 18, 2021: More About Clothes!

    • May 20, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana #11

    • May 25, 2021: Paper Clutter & Planning Baskets!

    • May 27, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • June 1, 2021: Storage Spaces

    • June 3, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn

    • June 8, 2021: Sentimental Items

    • June 10, 2021: Facebook Live with Dawn, Dana & Cas >> Sentimental Items

    • June 16, 2021: Pantries & Meal Planning

    • June 17, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana

    • June 23, 2021: The Clutterbug Styles

    • June 24, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • June 29, 2021: Laundry Rooms

    • July 1, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn

    • July 8, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana

    • July 15, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn

    • July 22, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana

    • July 29, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • Aug 5, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana

    • Aug 12, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn

    • Aug 19, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana >> Ask us ANYTHING!

    • Aug 26, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas

    • Sept 2, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn

    • Sept 9, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana

    • Sept 23, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas & Jacquie >> All About Bees

    • Sept 30, 2021: Live Declutter and Q&A with Dawn >> Mudrooms, Entryways & Hall Closets

    • Oct 7, 2021: Live Q&A with Dana

    • Oct 14, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas >> Paper Organization

    • Oct 21, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn >> Photos

    • Oct 27, 2021: Q&A with Dana

    • Nov 4, 2021: Live Q&A with Cas, Dawn & Dana

    • Dec 16, 2021: Live Q&A with Dawn & Dana

  • 18

    Live Session Replays 2020

    • Dec 17, 2020: First Facebook Live in the Take Your House Back Group

    • Dec 28, 2020: Facebook Live from The Minimal Mom Page

  • 19

    Other Helpful Resources

    • Books We Recommend!

    • Where to Find Us

Are you trying to do this alone?

We are meant to live IN community in every area of our life, NOT in isolation -- and this includes with our decluttering process. If you've started to declutter and gotten stuck or lost motivation, you need extra accountability, and we're here to provide support and cheer you on!


What are our current participants saying about Take Your House Back?

Incredibly thorough and helpful


I just wanted to let you know that your course is amazing! I have purchased MANY courses (including others on decluttering) in the past and usually end up disappointed. Your course is so incredibly thorough and helpful. I have made more progress in one day than I have in years of attempting other methods. It truly was money well spent -- thank you!

Life changing!


I was hoping for more structured motivation and got so much more! I got new mindsets, methods, and functional processes. The progress we have made in our home this month is insane! If you are considering the class just do it!! :)

This course is for everyone!


I love signing up for courses from time to time but after this one, I feel like I won’t ever need another one again! It encompasses so much of my life and I’ve never felt like I had a messy home, but there’s a lot of hidden clutter. This course is not just for messy people, it is for EVERYONE! I love it!

This is a game changer


Love, love, love your course! This course has been a game changer for me, and I'm finally seeing real, lasting results. Thank you all so much!

Best investment of 2021


I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to invest in this course, and I am making progress all the time, thanks to your wisdom and instruction. The course is also full of like-minded individuals who are just trying to make a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. It has been my best investment of 2021 by far!


  • How many weeks is the course?

    The course is 3 modules designed to go at your own pace, and you have ONE YEAR of access to complete them. We also have bonus live events throughout the year -- Live All Day Declutters and regular Q&A sessions!

  • If I'm not on Facebook, will I be missing a lot?

    While the private Facebook group is a vibrant community where you'll find extra motivation and support, we'll also be posting ALL the content that we share there in a REPLAYS section in the course so that you'll have access to the extra videos and Facebook Lives that we do. (Live events are now also available via a private YouTube link!)

  • My kids are out of the house, is this still for me?

    YES! The tools we share in this course are meant for EVERY season of life. Little kids, big kids, no kids, health challenges, demanding work schedules, ADHD... we teach universal tools that literally work for everyone!

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You'll have access for 12 months from the date of purchase. After the 12 months you'll be able to renew your membership for a nominal fee. We do this because we want you to feel some urgency around using the course (all three of us work better this way and we're guessing others are the same!).

  • Do I have to be available at a certain time for live sessions?

    The entire course is pre-recorded, so you can go through the material at your own pace! We do have some live events, but attending live is entirely optional, and you can always go back and view it later. We will also upload all these videos into the course.

  • I have a lot to declutter and organize! What if I can't keep up?

    Everyone is at a different place in their journey and that is totally okay! You can take it at your own pace, and go through it as many times as you need.

  • Do you have a payment plan?

    Yes, we have a payment plan option of 3 monthly payments at $199/month! (Look for the payment plan button above!) Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

  • Is the price USD? Is this a one time charge?

    Yes, the price is USD and is a one time charge of $597. If you've selected the payment plan, it will be $199/month over three months.

  • Do the videos have closed captioning?

    Yes! We have added closed captioning for the core video content of the course, as well as full transcripts for the podcasts.

Bonus Content

We host Live Q&A Sessions events twice a month to answer your questions

Still have Questions?

This is what is included with your course:

  • 365 days of access to on demand videos, printables and podcasts

  • Access to our private Facebook support group

  • Step-by-step instructions to complete home management

  • A full refund within 365 days if you are not 100% satisfied

Makes a GREAT gift!

Want to help someone else TAKE THEIR HOUSE BACK? This course makes an awesome gift that they'll benefit from for years to come! Give the course as a gift.

You'll receive a printable gift certificate so you have something to wrap!

Have any questions? Email us at [email protected] and we'll help you out!

Now is the time!

I want to Take Back My House

Contact Us

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or need help to access your course!